Thursday, April 30, 2009

Get It Quick, Anyway You Can by Tom Shepherd

Get It Quick, Anyway You Can.
It seems the young of today want it all up front. They will go in debt to achieve their desires. The credit cards seem to thrive on this movement. Now they are beginning to back up. Why? They see there is no hope for the ones that are behind, to pay their debt. They all will take the easy way out and let the credit card debt go. What can they do if there is no money to collect. They can raise the interest if they are late, but what good is that going to do if there is no money. As long as the economy held there was hope. Because everyone had a job that paid enough to pay the bills. Now there is no money for the ones that used the credit cards to buy their desires. People were borrowing money to pay bills, but that day is over. It is harder now to borrow from the bank. They have tighten up. Especially on short term loans that have shaky collateral.

The people who own the credit cards had better wake up before it is to late. They need to lower the interest rates instead of raising them. At least they would have a chance to get the principle back, but if they keep going they are liable to lose it all. What they don't seem to understand is, this is different times. People do not believe this can happen. There has been too much credit. People say the fool should have known better. Right now there is a lot of those fools. If it keeps on going the way it is now, it is going to be hard to use a credit card. Everybody is going to want cash instead of credit cards. There will be no way for some people to live because they do not have the cash.

What is the answer? It sure isn't the government bailout. All that does is create more problems in later years. What is the answer? Who can we blame? Greed is a big factor. Everyone is trying to make a quick solution. The fact is that it took several years to get in this situation. You are not going to correct it in one day. So what can we do? The first thing is quit trying to find someone to blame. You should look in the mirror. The reflection you see is partly to blame. Destroy all the credit cards and live with what you have, is the first step. If you do not have the money, do not buy it. Stay out of debt.

Is it to late? I do not know. But we cannot let a person or government dictate what we have to do. I believe the government has shown us their true intentions. And that is to have power over our actions. I truly believe the scheme was to get the American people in debt, so we would become slaves to debt. If they get us in debt, they have us in a situation where there is no hope. An old man use to tell me, "You keep a man hungry and poor , and you can handle him." Well this could backfire. If you destroy the people's will, who is going to pay the taxes. The rich pay about 40% of the tax burden. Where is the other 60% coming from. The government had better wake up. Quit trying to be the boss. Let the people be their own boss, and this problem will correct itself. Yes, we need laws, but only to help us live with our neighbor. We have started this because we wanted it right now, and now we are paying the price. Sell everything you have and pay the debt off. Now you can start over and I hope a lot wiser.

About the Author
My business is called Home For Baby Clothes. We sell baby clothes, infant, discount, toddler, unique, personalized, and organic clothes.

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