In today's day and age, credit cards are fast becoming a normal piece of life. In fact, most people do not even carry around cash or even checks with them anymore. Buying now and paying later has become more than slogan for people: it's a way of life. One of the more recent trends in the credit card realm is the creation and popularity of balance transfer cards. These cards make having credit and even debt all the more easier to manage. The following are just some of the many benefits of applying for and using balance transfer cards.
A balance transfer card is one that will pay off other debts - everything from other credit cards to loans - so that you can make a single payment rather than many payments. This means that paying off your debt will become that much easier, will get bill collectors off your back, and can save you a lot of money in late fees. In fact, one of the chief benefits of using a balance transfer card is that you will only have a single interest rate to deal with instead of multiple interest rates. This can make quite a difference over time, especially if you have a lot of debt or many credit cards with high interest rates.
One of the best things is that there are cards that offer 0% Balance Transfer for 6 Months. This means that you can transfer balances and have a super low interest rate for a short period of time (i.e. 0% for six months). This makes it all the more easier for a person to pay off their debt and to end up saving a lot of money. After all, if you focus at eliminating debt or chipping away at it during the time you have 0% interest, you could save a lot of money on what you would have paid interest.
The best part is that there are balance transfer credit cards for people of all types and backgrounds. For example, for folks who have lower incomes, there is the St. George Vertigo MasterCard and for those with higher earnings or a solid salary, there is the Citibank Clear Platinum Card. These cards come with different interest rates and credit limits. The variety of balance transfer cards available in today's world makes it possible for people of all backgrounds and incomes to find a credit card that is right for them.
About the Author
Mark Brown brings vast knowledge about personal finance to his writing. His no-nonsense manner in dealing with consumer debt and poor financial management is a result of struggling personally with debt. This gives him a unique insight into the such situations. For more information on balance transfer cards, check out Credit Card Compare.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
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